Human Capital Management Goes Mobile

Recently, the Aberdeen Group released a new report titled Mobile HCM:Workforce and Talent Management on the Move. The report examines the active role that mobile technology has played in human capital management. The HCM report found that the best performing organizations were 26 percent more likely to leverage mobile HCM to improve the efficiency of human capital management processes. Currently, HCM mobile tools are most commonly used for scheduling activities, learning programs and talent acquisition workflows.

The implementation of mobile HCM results in improved employee performance and engagement, and it improves overall employee productivity. The HCM report also noted that organizations utilizing human capital management solutions to streamline workflows and processes saw a 13 percent increase in manager productivity compared to companies that did not use mobile technology. Additionally, 65 percent of employees that used mobile HCM tools described themselves as highly engaged in the organization.

Mollie Lombardi, senior research analyst for Aberdeen’s Human Capital Manatgement practice, explained the rise in mobile tool usage. She said, By a wide margin, the top strategy employed by Best-in-Class companies embodies a mindset around the use of mobility tools.Mobile devices are seen as not just an extension of existing tools, but as a new medium through which to attract, retain, develop and manage people within an organization.”

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