How to Optimize Your Facebook Friends

A Facebook application designed by an enterprise software development and consulting corporation does not sound like the most exciting thing in the world, but the Germany-based company SAP pulls through with an informational and useful application.

SAP’s new application is called the Friend Network Optimizer. It has a social network dashboard where users can see their social activity on Facebook and statistics that show how users compare to their friends and other Friend Optimizer users. This interactive application shows you how to optimize your network by listing which people will add to your “network value”. There is a what-if scenario component where users can see how they would compare if they posted a certain amount of status updates or wall posts.

Screenshot of Friend Optimizer App

The Friend Network Optimizer mimics SAP’s Crystal Reports, which also include interactive charts, detailed reports, and what-if scenario models. The application is a way for the SAP developers to show and model their company and report method.

While the application was launched several weeks ago on May 29th, it did not start to spread until yesterday when tens of thousands of users joined overnight. This application is worth checking out- if at the very least, for curiosity’s sake.

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