Oracle Announces Pedigree and Serialization Manager

Earlier this week, Oracle announced that the Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager is available. The Pedigree and Serialization Manager is an integrated application designed to improve supply chain efficiency, specifically in the pharmaceutical industry. Oracle’s product can also be used in any industry dealing with expensive products that are at risk for counterfeiting, such as technology, luxury goods or medical devices.

Oracle’s ERP solution will help pharmaceutical manufacturers ensure compliance with electronic pedigree initiatives and global regulatory requirements. Ultimately, the solution is going to reduce risk for companies related to drug counterfeiting or product diversion. Across the supply chain, Oracle’s solution will automatically authenticate serial numbers and ePedigree data. The software will also generate, store and transmit the serial data. The Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager will even use its analytics software to detect potential threats.

Oracle’s Manager will help improve the efficiency within pharmaceutical company business processes. Companies will be able to increase the accuracy of returns management as well to reduce associated losses. The Oracle Pedigree Manager will also reduce revenue leakage. Return on investment will increase as a result.

IDC Health Insights is excited about the Oracle Pedigere and Serialization Manager’s release. Its Research Manager, Eric Newmark, said, “Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager is well positioned to quickly capitalize on the present solution gap in the drug pedigree space. It delivers all the bells and whistles you’d expect in a serialization and pedigree solution.”

The Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager was built to integrate with all other Oracle systems and third party systems for shipping, receiving, manufacturing and packaging. It has an interactive interface and it supports web services and features. Oracle’s Manager was also built to help companies comply with global regulatory mandates for product serialization.

Oracle’s Vice President of SCM Product Strategy commented on the product. He said, “Ensuring supply chain integrity is not only about compliance and protecting your brand, it’s also about protecting your bottom line. By definitively identifying your products in the supply chain and providing a broad set of analytic insights on that data, Oracle Pedigree and Serialization Manager will deliver both. The result is a safe and secure pharmaceutical supply chain, combined with a strong ROI.”

Oracle’s Pedigree and Serialization Manager will ensure that companies’ supply chain is secure and that they will avoid all threats and business risks. Businesses will be able to comply with requirements better and easier. Company revenue will increase as a result.

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