New Windows-Based ERP Released to Public Sector by SunGard PS

SunGard Public Sector, an IT services provider, has made ONESolution, a Windows-based suite of ERP applications, publicly available to local governments, and police and fire departments.

SunGard PS produces ERP-related applications for local governments, schools, and other public organizations in the United States and United Kingdom.

This newest iteration of ONESolution is meant to be a comprehensive ERP system that can manage government tasks such as managing, public works projects, community development, utility billing, records management, finances, human resources, and computer-aided dispatch (for police and fire departments).

SunGard PS's ERP features

SunGard Public Sector, an IT services provider, has made ONESolution, a Windows-based suite of ERP applications, publicly available to local governments, and police and fire departments.

SunGard PS produces ERP-related applications for local governments, schools, and other public organizations in the United States and United Kingdom.

This newest iteration of ONESolution is meant to be a comprehensive ERP system that can manage government tasks such as managing, public works projects, community development, utility billing, records management, finances, human resources, and computer-aided dispatch (for police and fire departments).

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