Deloitte solves problems with JD Edwards

Deloitte, one of the leaders in enterprise services around the world specializes in traditional audit and fiscal oversight services along with human resource, tax, and technological services in over 140 countries.

There are many challenges that Deloitte partnered with JD Edwards has solutions for; for example, the issue of implementing an integrated enterprise resource management system that boosts operational efficiency while still retaining present organizational models. This is solved by applying Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications to generate an integrated infrastructure for financial, human resources, and customer relationship management.

In addition to that, the issue of having a dependable and easy to manage solutions is combated by decreasing the complexity of the management involved in introducing the new information system by giving a flexible platform.

Also by leveraging Oracle partner Deloitte XBS’s expertise in the Oracle environment makes a system easy to handle and preserve.

In general, the variability of Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne allows for greater productivity in the business process; it reduces the difficulty of management.

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